These are my All Time Top 100 Favorite Movies & Film Series, beginning with my #1 all-time favorite movie & continuing in descending order. To put it quite simply, these are movies/film series that I have (1) fallen in love with, (2) own (or plan to own) on DVD, (3) will tend to ‘stop & watch’ while channel surfing, and (4) end up watching over & over again. This is an important distinction which means this list does not necessarily include films which I might consider the ‘greatest’ movies or the ‘best’ movies I have seen because I don’t necessarily want to see something like ‘Schindler’s List’ over and over again. This also means there are numerous guilty pleasures listed which I unapologetically admit to loving and watching repeatedly.

To date, I have seen over 5,100 theatrically released, non-documentary, feature length films (aka – films which qualify for a Best Picture Oscar), which are the only types of films I have included in this list (with a few notable exceptions described below). Of those 5,100+ films, this list includes the 100 titles/film series I have rated as 10 out of a possible 10 (10/10) – which obviously comprise an extremely small percentage of all the films I have seen. The remainder of the list are those couple dozen or so titles/film series I have currently rated 9 out of a possible 10 (9/10), but which are on the cusp of being upgraded to 10/10 (possibly after another viewing or 2).

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